Sunday 29 January 2017

Tips to Having Healthier Hair | My New Hair

Hey Guys!

So back in December I made the decision to cut off my long hair and have it shorter. Even though I love having long hair my main reason was because I wanted something different, I'd seen multiple people on Instagram with long bobs and it looked like something I should try. I've had really short hair before when I was younger and I hated it because I could never grow it long but now that I've had it long and shoulder length I wanted a change and to bring my hair back to its previous healthy state. When I had my long hair because I only had trims every now and then and as I styling and dying the ends regularly the ends started to get brittle and dry so it really wasn't healthy and didn't look great either. So, before going on holiday I made the decision to have it all chopped off, my hair could start again and I could experiment with a new length. 

Since having my hair cut obviously some times I've hated it and sometimes I love it but its like that all the time with your hair, one day its working with you and the next it doesn't want to cooperate haha :P 

When I was having my hair cut I was talking to my hair dresser about having healthier hair and after giving me some tips I thought I would share them with you guys, so like me you can begin to take steps to look after your hair more effectively :)

Tips To Having Healthier Hair 

I've constructed a list of tips for having and maintaining healthier hair and I'll try keeping my hair in a healthier condition too :)

#1 Have your hair trimmed or cut every 6 -8 weeks to get rid of the brittle and dry ends | Even if I don't go to the hair dressers I sometimes just wet my hair and with a little pair of scissors give my hair a little trim. But I don't cut enough off for it to make a big difference as I'm not a hair dresser haha!

#2 Use heat protection when using your hair dryer or other styling tools such as curlers and straighteners | I use the VO5 Heat Protect Spray every time I blow dry my hair and even though you don't need to use that much I do put quite a lot on and let let it sit for 5 minutes so that it soaks in before having any heat on my hair.

#3 Have the heat applicant on a low temperature, so whether its your your hair dryer, straighteners, curlers or any other tool there will always be a lower heat setting. Make sure to use it according to how thick your hair is, don't use excessive heat if you have thin hair as it will increase the damage | On my curlers because I have relatively thin hair I keep it on a medium heat and use the lower setting on my hair dryer. It make take longer to dry my hair but I'd rather it take longer than cause my hair to go excessively dry.  

#4 Don't wash your hair everyday as it will strip the oils from your hair and cause it to become extremely dry. Your hair will become brittle and cause dry ends quicker making it harder to keep your hair in a healthy state for longer | I try to wash my hair once every couple of days so that I don't dry out the ends. I used to wash my hair everyday back in secondary school and even though I used conditioner every time it got dry and knotted very quickly. Which is why I had to keep getting more hair cuts when I shouldn't have needed them if I just looked after my hair better!

#5 To refresh your hair use dry shampoo instead of washing your hair everyday | My favourite brand to use it Batiste as it has always worked to make my hair look fresh and clean and makes it smell like cherries haha! By using dry shampoo you can make your hair appear cleaner if it is appearing greasy or dirty and you aren't stripping the oils from your roots, maintaining healthier hair :)

#6 Use conditioner once a week and not every time you wash your hair. If you are washing your hair every couple of days you don't need to use conditioner every time so having a day where you use it like a Sunday will be good for you hair and by keeping it on for around 5 minutes it will provide enough moisture | I used to use conditioner every time I washed my hair but found that it was getting greasier easier so by using it once a week my hair didn't get as greasy or dirty as quickly. 

#7 Use serums and hair masks to lock in the moisture in the ends of your hair and encourage shine and softness. By deep moisturising your hair and locking in the nutrients and oils your hair won't go as dry so quickly and split ends won't develop so soon. One factor that can effect your hair's conditions is the climate as well so by using a hair mask when the air is more drying will ensure your hair stays moisturised and won't go statistic and frizzy | I'm really bad at using hair masks and serums as I always forget so I need to get more consistent at setting some time out of my day to apply a hair mask or put a serum on after blow drying my hair.

#8 Don't towel dry your hair as it will cause damage and breakage which leads to dryer and brittle hair. The rubbing motion when towel drying your hair strips the outer layer and makes it thinner and so your hair can't be protected as easily. Therefore, maintaining your hairs health will become harder | I sometimes do forget to not rub my hair dry and dab instead especially when I'm in a rush so this is something I need to consider and follow through with more often :) 

After getting used to my new hair I really like it and might keep it at this length until I want a change again. Comment below if you have anymore recommendations on hair products I could use :)

See you soon lovelies!

Amy xx

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