Monday 27 June 2016

Getting Out More This Summer | Eventbrite


Hey Guys! 

Whenever I look through my friend's Snapchat stories or their Instagram feed they all seem to have so many fun things planned for this summer whether their going on holiday, going to music festivals, travelling, going to concerts or going to other big events that are happening around the UK! So when I came across Eventbrite who are currently running a GOMO (Getting Out More Often) project I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share with you guys a few ways to have more fun, get out of the house and make the most of your summer. 

Before I go on to give you some fun ideas for your summer let me explain to you who Eventbrite are and what they do. Eventbrite is an event planning website and are the largest self-service ticketing platform which assists people to plan events. They help you post and promote your event online and then assist you with promoting, managing and hosting the event. They send out invitations, offer support and then track the RSVP's or your ticket sales. So they are with you at every step. They help with events ranging from music events, food & drink events, parties, classes and more. Just check out their website for more information! Their site is easy to use and simple without all the complicated parts. To find out more go on to their sell tickets page! :) Newcastle University, the university I'll hopefully be attending in September even use Eventbrite for Fresher's Events and Student Union events :)

            Drink Cocktails In The Sun

Drinking a cocktail in the sun can be the best therapy after a long day. Take a step back from your hectic schedule and just have some time to relax and chill in the sun with your favourite people and favourite cocktails. By relaxing and having a refreshing cocktail whether it's alcoholic or not you can forget about work or your results from school and reflect, whether it's at home or going to your local beer garden take this time to treat yourself. You may have had a stressful and hectic day so when you come home get out the cocktail mixing kit or go to your local bar and sit in the sun to chill and release all the angst you might have felt through out the day. By having that release and giving yourself time to relax you will have a better summer free from stress and can make the most of the weather (that we hope to get here in England). 

Spend Time With The People You Love 

There is nothing better than spending time with the people you love, whether they are friends or family. In the summer you will find more time to see your family and friends and can do more activities with them. It could be just going out for a meal, planning a trip somewhere, going on holiday, going to a concert or gig or just taking a yoga class together. Anything that you find fun try and get your friends and family involved and spend your summer with the people that make you laugh and surround yourself with positivity. By doing this you won't waste your summer and can do your favourite things with the people you feel your best around. I know this summer I'll be spending a lot of time with my family going on holiday and then going on day trips and doing fun things with my friends and boyfriend :) by involving your friends and family in all the fun things you want to do your summer will be fun of laughs and smiles!

Eat and Try Great Food

I love to try new and different foods that I don't usually eat. So when I go to Spain or Lanzarote I like to try all the different seafood dishes like Paella and tapas dishes. Trying different food can be scary because there is always that thought of what if I don't like it, but your never going to know if you like it or dislike it without trying it. I had Japanese curry for the first time last week and it was amazing! By trying different food you might discover a new favourite. This summer by getting out their more you have the greatest opportunity to try things you wouldn't have normally and one of those is food.

Travel & Explore 

I love to travel in the summer as it's the best opportunity. We are all broken up from school/university it's great weather and we have all this time to explore a little more. So this summer get out there and plan some trips whether it's travelling abroad or remaining in the country it doesn't matter. There are so many places you could travel to and there are several methods of transport that you could experiment with. You could go on a ferry, go on a plane for the first time, take the train somewhere or the bus or you could even walk somewhere. Have a little fun and use different methods of travel and explore. Go somewhere you have always wanted to go to, it doesn't have to be an expensive luxury holiday it could be somewhere really simple and easy but it could be what you have been looking for this summer. One year I traveled further out into the countryside by bus and had a huge BBQ and camped with a group of my friends. It was the perfect way to spend time with friends and enjoy the summer. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone!

Enjoy Your Favourite Summer Drinks

 My favourite summer drink is bubble tea and that is because it's so refreshing and cool that it's perfect for them humid and hot days. You can enjoy your favourite summer drinks sitting in the sun and makings plans for your summer where you get out there more and spend more times doing something fun instead of sitting around wondering why your not doing something this summer. Stop thinking you need to have fun and actually get out there and do something! 

Visit Somewhere You Haven't Been Before

There are so many places in the world to explore so why not this summer find somewhere you've never been to before, whether its a different city, a different region or even a different country. Do research and find somewhere where you can see yourself loving. I'm a creature of habit and tend to visit the same places over and over again. Like every year I go to Lanzarote for a beach holiday and then I go to Scotland or Devon for a British holiday. But this summer it's time for a change and to visit somewhere we haven't been to before. It could be somewhere abroad or somewhere close by. Just somewhere with a different atmosphere and different scenery to get you out of that day to day routine. This year I'm going to Northumberland for my British holiday to see something different and visit different places and then I plan on visiting a lot of places around England by having day trips out. By visiting somewhere different you can get another outlook on life and reflect by remembering your roots and where you came from. Try and see as many places as you can that you haven't seen, because one day you might not be able to. This is the summer to do that. 

Go To a Music/Summer Festival With a Group of Friends

Summer time festivals are the best way to spend your summer, by listening to great music, spending time with friends and overall having a great time. Every year I go to a local music festival called YNOT with a huge group of friends and it's the best way to celebrate the great weather (we sometimes experience over here in England), the company of great people and great bands. Some mainstream festivals can be really expensive especially those like V Festival or Leeds Festival so if you can't afford to go to the big festivals research and look for smaller and closer festivals. There are festivals taking place all over summer, and not just the big ones. YNOT, where I go is a small festival located at Pike Hall in Derbyshire. As long as you have great people and the right atmosphere you will have the best time. 

Get Up Before The Sun Rises

Nowhere days everyone sleeps late and gets up late, including me. So for a change this summer go to bed early, set an alarm for 15 minutes before the sun is suppose to rise, get your beauty sleep and then wake up and find a place with the best view whether it be your garden, window and watch the sun rise. And once the sun has set you are up and ready to have a productive day. Seeing the sun rise can be give you more of a positive outlook on life and make you appreciate the small things in life a little more than you usually would. Take this time to have a moment to yourself and watch the day begin. Starting your day right is very important so this summer why not do that by seeing the sun rise!

Go To A Concert

Concerts are so fun and there are plenty of concerts taking place this summer so grab yourselves some tickets and see your favourite artists. Take friends and go and see that band you have always wanted to see live, make the most of this summer before everything goes into full speed again in September and spend time with people who have the same interests as you. Even if you don't want to go to  a big concert or gig you could create your own concert or event. If any of your friends are good musicians and wouldn't mind performing in front of others than create an event where you and a group of friends can enjoy music and enjoy being in each others company. You could make the event as big or small as you wanted and Eventbrite could help you with the planning and promoting. Or do both, go to your favourite band's concert and create your own concert for you and your friends to enjoy. 

Go To The Theatre

I love going to the theater and so this July my boyfriend and I are going down to London for a few days and are going to see the Phantom Of The Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre. I wanted to do more this summer and spend time with great company so we booked our tickets and this is a way of getting out more and having fun. This is something we both love to do and therefore a great idea for the summer :) Going to the theatre doesn't have to be expensive, you could go to any local theatre near you to see a local production or see what discounts and deals you can get on any theatre productions currently taking place. If your like me and love the theatre this is perfect for the summer as you have plenty of time and can even organise a trip around it like I did :) 

Do something different to what you usually do in summer and get out there!

See you soon lovelies!

Amy xx 

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