Wednesday 16 November 2016

10 Things I've Learnt Since Moving To University

Hey Guys!

Now that I've been at university for nearly 6 weeks I've started to realise I've learnt a lot since I moved up to Newcastle, moved into my own place and started university. Even though I've only been here for nearly two months it feels like we have been here for at least half a year :) I feel that in the past two months I have grown a lot as a person and definitely become more independent :)

1. Nobody will clean for you, mum isn't there to pick up your clothes off the floor or hoover your floor so if you want it to be clean you have to do it yourself, the pain to tidy up is real!

2. I had to learn how to use a washing machine and a dryer for the first time, which included calling my mum three times :)

3. Washing up will be the bain of your life, especially when you are living in a 5 man flat 

4. Tesco delivery is your best friend, especially if your biggest supermarket is a 20 minute walk away and you are like me and don't fancy carrying your shopping bags for that long

5. You can spend less than a tenner on a night out - believe me I do it all the time!

6. Buying a Starbucks at uni everyday is expensive and unnecessary, I take a hot chocolate or tea in my travel coffee cup

7. The library will become your new home when it comes to assessments and deadline week, trust me!

8. If you think you read a lot now you are mistaken, wait till you get to uni and see your reading list haha

9. Making healthy and proper meals on a student budget can be possible as long as you go to the right supermarkets and buy the right ingredients

10. Don't turn down free food. we got free dominoes the whole week of freshers woo!

For any of you who are a first year too, what else have you realised since you moved to uni?

See you soon lovelies!

Amy xx

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