Wednesday 30 September 2015

The Love-Hate Tag

Hey guys!

So recently I got nominated by Katt and Mariza to do the love/hate tag, you should check out both their blogs as they are amazing! The rules are: 'once you are nominated by another blogger, you must state 10 things you love and 10 things you hate on your blog. In order to complete the tag, in turn you must also nominate 10 bloggers to participate and do the same.'

10 Things I Love

1. Family- My family mean the world to me. I have a very close family, so close that I would call my cousins my siblings. We see each other weekly and I grew up daily with my family, so I believe that they have shaped me as a person and has helped me grow to be the character I am. 
2. Friends- My friends are the family I have chosen. What I love about my friends is how supportive they are, we have the type of relationship where we bash on each other but we love each other really, I'll be weird but they don't see me any differently. My friends help me escape if I'm having a hard time and I love them for it!
3. Swimming- At school I always hated sport and didn't really excel in any sports clubs, and so to keep fit I go swimming, as it is a source of exercise I find relaxing and enjoyable, where as if I went to the gym I would see it as a chore.
4. Holidays- Everyone loves a vacation and a break from their every day lives, but I don't just see a holiday or as a break from my every day life I see it as an adventure where I can explore somewhere I've never been before and find out new things.
5. London- I seriously wished I lived in London, I visited a lot in the past year and every time I grew to love it more and more. Its not just because its the capital and it has so many shops etc. I love London because it has so much life, it has so much diversity and London feels like home to me :) 
6. Meeting new people- I love meeting new people, I constantly meet new people at work and I find it so interesting, I love finding out different people's stories and experiences. Meeting different people who are from different countries I find even more interesting as they may have such different ways of life and different cultures which I like to explore :) 
7. Travelling- I would love to travel more in the future, the excitement of travelling, having an adventure and exploring different towns, villages, cities and seeing how different people live is amazing. I would love to travel to East Asia and see places like Hong Kong, China, South Korea, Japan, Thailand and then more of Europe like Italy, Amsterdam. I find exploring countries different to England so interesting and seeing different cultures opens my mind even more to difference and change. 
8. Walking- One thing I love about living in the countryside near the Peak District and Dove dale is that there is so much beautiful scenery and so many places to go on a walk, when its good weather I love to go on walks down the Tissington Trail and make the most of the weather. 
9. Blogging - I love having a blog where I can have my own space where I share my own opinions, thoughts, experiences and to be able to discuss what ever I want to. I love writing and so blogging has allowed me to write as much as I want to and has enabled me to meet other people with the same interests :)
10. Summer- I'm not a Winter person at all, I hate the cold, I hate snow and I hate ice. The only thing I like about Winter is Christmas and getting to wear woolly jumpers, big coats and woolly hats. But other than that I'm totally a summer person, I love the happy atmosphere surrounded by summer and I love not having to carry around any coats and can rely on the weather to keep me warm.

10 Things I Hate

1. Bullying- The thing I hate the most is bullying, for someone to feel so bad about themselves and have some one either physically or emotionally abuse them is what I hate the most. Nobody should be physically or emotionally abused and nobody should be bullied because they look different or act different!
2. People who judge others- Nobody should be given a label and nobody should stereotype someone just because of the way they look or the way they act. Everyone is an individual and can act and be who ever they want to be, so nobody has the right to label somebody. I hate labels and how people judge others by giving them a label. It is wrong and should stop!
3. Negativity- I hate it when people are negative, no matter how bad the situation there is always something to be grateful for and something positive. Whenever something bad happens I always try and look at it positively and what things I should be grateful for in my life, therefore when people are constantly negative I can't stand it as it puts me in a bad mood. 
4. Coffee- I'm definitely a tea lover! Every time I've tried coffee I've hated it, whether its black coffee, a latte, a cappuccino, espresso anything with coffee in it I hate. There is something about the taste that I can't stand and even the smell puts me off!
5. War- Whether it affects me or not I hate war and conflict, of course not everyone is going to agree on the same things and everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I understand that war can sometimes just happen but I hate the thought of blood shed and innocent people losing their lives.
6. Lies- I hate it when people aren't honest with me, I can understand little white lies and lies that aren't harmful but when people lie to make themselves look better, or lie about something they have done that was wrong and could hurt somebody than I hate it and I lose trust in that person. 
7. Early mornings- I'm not a morning person at all, I can stay up late and be really productive which is why I do most of my school work and blogging at night, I can be up till 3am writing and having the motivation to do my work. But I do not have the motivation to get up in the mornings and get ready for school. The thought of having to get up at 7am every morning just depresses me and I hate it hahaha :p
8. Ulcers- I find ulcers so painful, I used to get ulcers all the time when I had braces and they always took forever to heal and so whenever I ate or had a drink it would be so painful, luckily I don't get them so much now :) 
9. Being ill- Everyone hates being ill, but being ill makes me feel so useless and helpless, when your ill it takes all the energy out of you and doing a simple task takes so much longer than usual which I really hate! When I'm ill everything I would usually do takes me much longer and then its so tiring afterwards. I wish I could be healthy all the time :) 
10. Being late- I always get this really anxious feeling when I'm running late, even if I'm late to something that isn't even that important I feel really bad and annoyed that I'm so late and that I didn't give myself enough time hahaha :p

I hope you enjoyed finding out more about me and if you have any questions don't hesitate to comment below :)

I Nominate:

Lisa Watson
Pao Wong 

See you soon lovelies

Amy xxx

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