Saturday 14 September 2013

Would You Rather (Beauty Edition)

1. Would you rather wear one eye shadow or one lipstick for the rest of your life?
I would rather wear one eye shadow for the rest of my life, my eyes look so dull without something on my eyelids.

2. Would you rather have dark nails or bright nails all year round?
Bright nails, they are much more positive colours and stand out more. 

3. Would you rather go out with messy hair/nice make-up or nice hair/no make-up?
Messy hair and nice make up because I don't mind if my hair is messy but I can't stand not having make up on when going out.

4. Would you rather live without make up or nail polish?
I would rather live without nail varnish, I could just about tolerate it but I wouldn't be able to live with out make up.

5. Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?
Over done blush, I cant stand an obvious foundation line. In the past I've forgot to blend my foundation into my neck and it was awful where as overdone blusher can wear off after a while.

6. Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair colour?
I'd rather have a bad hair colour, I've made some bad decisions in the past most of them hair cuts and they were awful and I couldn't do anything with them, I'm still trying to grow my hair out now (which is taking forever) but I think I could tolerate a bad hair colour.

7. Would you rather have YouTube or Twitter taken away forever?
I'd rather have Twitter taken away forever. I watch so many beauty gurus on YouTube and wouldn't be able to deal with it being taken away. I don't go on twitter that much anyway.

8. Would you rather give up using make up brushes or mascara?
I would rather give up make up brushes because you can improvise when you don't have make up brushes but without mascara I would look dead.

9. Would you rather never being able to paint yours nails again or never use lip gloss?
I would rather never be able to use lip gloss again because I don't really use lip gloss only certain lip sticks and mainly Vaseline because I have really dry lips.

10. If you had £1000 to spend, would you rather buy clothes or make up?
That is a hard question because I love both make up and clothes but I would have to say clothes, I love make up a lot but I love the feeling when you just brought a new top or dress and I need new clothes anyway seeing as I haven't brought any in a while.

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