Saturday 9 November 2013

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....

For the majority of my life people have all made my decisions for me until now. I'm currently in Year 11 and deciding whether to go to college or my school's sixth form. I've decided I want to aim to be accepted into my school's sixth form and take A-Levels. So on Tuesday night I went to the sixth forms open evening to see what A-Levels I can choose from and I have to say I'm even more lost than I was before I went to the open evening. I have no idea what I want as a career and I have no idea if I want to go to university or not so I have no clue at what to do!

I have so many options to choose from and in one way I want someone to choose them for me but in another I want to  make my own decisions and do something I want to do. My biggest fear is that I pick subjects that I will regret and will be a waste of time. 

To help I've decided to go see my schools careers adviser to see if she can shine any light on the situation and help me pick what I want to do. 

Urrrggggg I hate having to make huge decisions! A lot of my friends know what they want to do as a career for example one of my friends wants to be a teacher so she knows what A-Levels she needs to take and what university she wants to go to and what degree she wants to take and then there is just me that has no clue :(

Another of my fears is that I will have a job that I don't enjoy and I get up every morning regretting my decisions. I don't want to have to do something just because I need the money. I want to end up doing something I enjoy and I'm passionate about and motivated by. 

I hate having to make huge decisions!

See you soon!

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